I know I said I would focus on music more often since my last post, but I decided to give my diet book one final push to get it out the door and into the hands of people who can use it. Th
is really marks a turning point in one of my three big projects. It also means a lot of work has fallen on me recently in terms of the various types of marketing involved: including podcast and blog exposure, getting physical copies out in the open, and setting up additional advertising and online content. The fact that I recently got a new job also makes this difficult, but I remain committed.
With that being said, I would like to share the lovely news that the proof copy of my book has been printed and I have checked all of it and am very satisfied! I found no mistakes. Although, the printing cost of the book is too much at this point due to all the color pages I made. While I would like to keep it as it is for the sake of a more polished product, I just can’t because it is too expensive. So I have to start setting some of the less important points like the colors on the nutritional tables to greyscale.
This involves a lot of work because first I have to change it inside my publishing software and export a new PDF and then I need to upload it and have Amazon check it for printability which takes forever. Only then can I get the final cost of the book. So I will consequently have to repeat this process several times until I am satisfied with the final cost. I expect it will take at least a day to finalize this. The good news is, however, that the e-book will not change due to obvious reasons.
Anyway, here is the front and back printed covers!!